Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Fit TV Power Hour

Well I have been having some trouble with my right knee/acl.  I did the elliptical last night for 30 minutes (hoping for light use) but could barely walk the dog last night!  So even though Tuesday is one of my days that I can get in a full hour of cardio or running I had to skip it. It is very upsetting because my schedule is so limited that I have only those two days that I really look forward to hitting the gym like old times.

Instead I decided to do some strength training because I have been very lacking on that lately.  In college I would strength train at 3 days a week and now I am lucky to get in cardio/running.  So, I have DVRed all these shows from FitTV and decided to try Power Hour with Cathe....  Wow!  My heart was pumping and my arms are like jello!  I actually couldn't even finish the ab portion at the end.  (Don't worry I will finish it after a little break!)  It was intense and made me realize that my muscles need more attention. 

I refueled my muscles with a little protein.  I showed the whisk because this mini-whisk is amazing!  It actually came in a set I got for Christmas awhile back.  It mixes protein thoroughly.

My arms are still shaky even just typing!

It has already begun to storm this morning.  I love storms!  Houston does not have enough storms, they are so relaxing.  I plan on doing a little homework, catching up on the new House and finishing the ab work.

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