Monday, December 7, 2009

4 Finals in the Next 6 Days!!!!!!

This is a little bonus post before I return to blogging from finals.  Finals are not going well this semester, and Houston's little "snow day" threw off my entire study schedule and study mojo.  I now have 4 finals this week, none of which I have even begun studying for!  Law school has made me strive for mediocre and it makes me a little sad.

But...on another note, here are some eats:

Spaghetti Squash bake!

Soooo good.  And this one spaghetti squash gave me 4 huge meals!  Click here for a rundown on how to make the spaghetti squash bake.   For this batch I used frozen spinach, peppers, onions, and some shredded carrots for my veggies.

Giant bowls of pumpkin oats have been enjoyed!

Homemade sourdough garlic bread.  Could have eaten the whole loaf in one sitting.

Fake pasta.  I prepare a thing of Easy Mac (yes I eat the weird orange cheese substance) then add in sauteed frozen vegetables.  I then stir in Parmesan cheese and sometimes even half a wedge of Laughing Cow.  This stuff is actually really good and takes a whole 5 minutes to prepare!

Last night I made a Pumpkin Milk Shake.
1/2 to 3/4 cup of Edy's Slow Churned Light Vanilla
1/2 cup canned pumpkin
handful of ice cubes
lots of pumpkin pie spice
Blend up then top with whip cream!  Pretty darn good stuff!

(Sorry there are no exact measures-I hate measuring!  Rarely do.  This may be why my baking skills are lacking!)

Want to know what fruits and vegetables are in season?  Click here for a list of produce, tips for picking the best one, and tips on storing.

As you know, I will be running my first half marathon on Valentine's Day in Austin!  Here is the training schedule I am following.

I am entering Week 3 and so far have kept up with the schedule completely!  Competing in the planned 5k, 10k, etc. races may not happen because 1) races are expensive and 2) it is hard to always find races for that exact weekend.  Regardless, I will run that distance at a race pace for the scheduled day.

The hubby and I are planning on returning to Indiana for Christmas this year (and Michigan).  Any tips for training in the cold?  I haven't run in cold weather for over 2 years now!

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