I attended a happy hour event, which led to margaritas, which led to a decision to go out when we got back to the apartment.
Total drinks ended up 3 margaritas and 3 frozen mimosas! When I got home finally (around midnight!) I was starving because we had not eaten dinner. Then came bad college food choices. 1 bag of popcorn, 1 bag of sea salt chips (individual bag of course), and a bowl of Easy Mac. No wonder I have gained the "Texas 10".
Waking up early Friday morning I realized all that alcohol and food binge made me feel horrible and lethargic. It is amazing how badly it zapped my energy level!
I did not feel very well so I had a couple spoonfuls of regular oatmeal. I knew once I got moving I would be starving at lunch, so I packed a lunch with hummus and mushroom sandwich and side of grapes.
Snack today included 100-calorie bag of popcorn and bag of Baked Lays. Goodness where have my good eating habits gone?
1 piece of whole wheat bread-toasted
1 wedge lauhging cow Garlic and herb
Hoping to get in lots of cardio this weekend to undue the bad food choices of the week and get my energy levels back up!
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